ESG - Together for sustainable development

GPW Group’s Strategy 2025

2021-12-29 15:20:06



  • The Warsaw Stock Exchange Group (GPW Group) confirms its long-term commitment to sustainable development
  • “The GPW Group ESG Strategy 2025” sets out the directions of the GPW Group’s actions under three pillars: environmental, social, and governance
  • The GPW Group’s ambition is to achieve net zero emissions by 2030

The Warsaw Stock Exchange Group (GPW Group) has adopted the “GPW Group ESG Strategy 2025” which sets out sustainable development ambitions and goals for 2022-2025. The Strategy defines the key directions of ESG and sustainable development actions for all companies of the GPW Group.

It has been the mission of companies to achieve business goals since the beginnings of entrepreneurship. What has changed is how those goals are achieved. The concept of corporate social responsibility has been known since the end of the 19th century thanks to Christian entrepreneurs in the USA. Today more than ever before, we understand the need to develop business in a sustainable way taking into account its impact on the environment, social affairs and ethical concerns. As GPW celebrates its 30th anniversary, we can be proud of our long-standing commitment to sustainable development as a company and a group, as well as the organiser of a market in financial instruments which encourages other market participants to take ESG action,” said Marek Dietl, President of the GPW Management Board.

By implementing the ESG Strategy, the GPW Group wants to make a positive contribution to the achievement of the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals 2030 defined by the United Nations, including primarily climate, quality education, gender equality, economic growth and decent work, responsible consumption and production, and to support the Partnership for Goals through participation in initiatives addressing ESG and sustainable development concerns.

The Exchange has for many years supported sustainable development efforts both as a trading platform and as a public company. We have now adopted the "GPW Group ESG Strategy 2025” which defines the directions of our sustainable development activities for the next four years. It includes our goals: to support the transition to a low-carbon economy, to create an inclusive work environment, to develop educational projects and educate new generations of investors, and to manage ESG factors according to the highest standards,” said Izabela Olszewska, GPW Management Board Member for ESG.

The new strategy covers actions grouped in three pillars: environmental, social, and governance.

GPW Group supports transition to low-carbon economy

In the environmental pillar, the GPW Group supports transition to a low-carbon economy. The Group’s ambition is to reduce the GPW Group’s greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by the end of 2025 (base year: 2022) and to become emission-neutral by the end of 2030. The Group will ensure climate reporting in line with European Commission and TCFD climate recommendations, and it will launch new environmentally sustainable products by the end of 2025.

GPW Group is a responsible and attractive employer which creates an inclusive working environment. GPW Group brings unique value to financial education and training of generations of investors

In the social dimension, the GPW Group’s ambition is to increase employee engagement, to ensure a high level of employee satisfaction and engagement, and to ensure that the GPW Group is seen as an attractive workplace for employees with competencies key to GPW.

Another priority in the social pillar is financial education and investor education through educational initiatives within the Group and in co-operation with the GPW Foundation, addressed to various stakeholder groups, in particular investors and the young generation.

GPW Group has established quality corporate governance practices

The GPW Group attaches great importance to the highest standards of corporate governance, which is why the area is one of the pillars of the ESG Strategy. One of the key goals is to develop and support the GPW Group’s ESG management system. The pillar defines a clear ESG management structure and establishes an ESG Committee.

The ESG Committee will be responsible for overseeing the implementation and delivery of ESG actions, including measures related to climate change undertaken as part of the management of the ESG Strategy. The ESG Committee is headed by the GPW Management Board Member dedicated to ESG issues.

In addition, the GPW Group plans to integrate ESG risks into the Group’s existing risk management system.

Awareness of sustainable development will also be raised through educational activities addressed to employees who are the best ambassadors of ESG knowledge and activities in the GPW Group. The GPW Group takes information and educational initiatives to raise awareness of environmental and ethical concerns, human rights and diversity issues among employees.

The presentation “GPW Group ESG Strategy 2025” is available on the GPW website.