ESG - Together for sustainable development

Ring the Bell for Gender Equality

CPD-certified Climate Disclosure Training Programme

GPW Group’s Strategy 2025

ESG Leaders: Dominika Bettman with the "Green Transformation...

GPW and EBRD Publish “ESG reporting Guidelines”

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Financial markets are playing an increasingly important role in promoting responsible investment. As trading platforms connecting investors with companies, securities exchanges support the process by incorporating ESG criteria (E-environmental, S-social and G-governance) into their business operations and by promoting and educating market participants in ESG factors. The GPW Group not only focuses on conducting its business in a sustainable and responsible manner but also significantly influences the development of responsible attitudes among participants of the markets it organises.

The Warsaw Stock Exchange and the companies of the GPW Group conduct their operations bearing in mind not only the highest business standards but also social, employee, ethical and environmental concerns.

The GPW Group’s ESG Strategy 2025 implemented in the GPW Group sets out the ambitions and objectives in the area of sustainable development for 2022-2025. The Strategy outlines the main directions of activities in the area of ESG and sustainable development for all companies of the GPW Group.

The GPW Group’s ESG Strategy makes a positive contribution to the achievement of the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals 2030 set by the UN and adopted by all 193 UN member states including Poland.

The GPW Group actively supports six selected Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are relevant to the business of the Exchange and its subsidiaries and the role they play on the Polish financial and commodity market and their respective stakeholders.




The GPW Group’s ESG Strategy sets out the directions of the GPW Group’s activities under three pillars: environmental, social, and governance.

Environmental (E)

Environmental impact

Social and employees (S)

Responsible employer


Governance and standards (G)

Governance / Risk Management

For Issuers

We support issuers in integrating ESG factors into their business strategy. We help companies identify those ESG factors which will a significant impact on the company’s business in the coming years, manage them and report non-financial data in a reliable way. We have for many years promoted high standards of corporate governance and communication among issuers defined in the Best Practice for GPW Listed Companies 2016.


For Investors

We offer investors financial products which integrate ESG factors. We are working to develop a wide range of products including indices, other instruments and market data.



We work with our stakeholders, public administration, institutions, national and international organisations to promote dialogue on sustainability issues. We build relationships with our Partners based on trust and respect for mutual interests. Domestically and internationally, we are committed to working together to develop regulatory and business-friendly solutions which support sustainable investing. 


GPW’s strategic partnerships for sustainable development

United Nations Global Compact Initiative
Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative


With questions, opinions and comments related to GPW’s ESG engagement, please contact us at