ESG - Together for sustainable development

The Warsaw Stock Exchange and the companies of the GPW Group conduct their operations bearing in mind the highest business standards as well as social, ethical and environmental concerns. One of the greatest challenges facing the world and the economy today is climate change and its consequences. The GPW Group integrates climate change and its risks into the setting of targets and monitoring the effects and results of its activities.

The GPW Group’s Climate Policy adopted in 2021 sets out the main directions of the Group’s efforts to prevent adverse climate change and defines the approach to climate management in the GPW Group and the key responsibilities at the GPW Group level.

The implementation of the Climate Policy aims to initiate measures necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the GPW Group’s activities and to develop good practices in this area.

In particular, GPW is focusing on the implementation of the Climate Policy through the following actions:

  • implementation of an ESG factor management system, including in particular structured management of the climate impact of business operations,
  • implementation of climate risk management as an integral part of the GPW Group’s risk management system,
  • reducing energy consumption and seeking to increase the share of energy from renewable sources consumed in the operations,
  • striving to reduce the environmental impact of business travel by rationalising its frequency and choice of means of transport (in favour of online meetings and rail transport),
  • rational management of the consumption of natural resources.

In view of its business activity and role on the Polish capital market, GPW can exert indirect environmental impact by promoting positive attitudes among employees, issuers and investors, and through promotional and educational activities supporting responsible investment, including reporting on environmental, social and governance factors.

Strategic ambitions in environment field

  • reduce GPW Group’s greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by the end of 2025 and become emission-neutral by 2030 (base year: 2022),
  • introduce climate reporting in GPW Group in line with Commission and TCFD climate recommendations,
  • launch a new environmentally sustainable product by the end of 2025.