ESG - Together for sustainable development

With their unique qualifications and experience, employees of the GPW Group are a very important group of the Group’s stakeholders. The Group’s organisational culture is based on engagement, values and effective internal communication, as well as investment in the continuous development of employees’ competences.


The GPW employee remuneration rules rely on three key elements. The first element is a remuneration policy based on transparent and coherent rules of remuneration of all GPW employees linked with the corporate strategy. The second element is a bonus policy which is one of the components of the incentive system implemented in the GPW. The third element includes fringe benefits.

Every GPW employee has wide access to fringe benefits including:

  • health care,
  • life insurance,
  • reimbursement of commuting expenses,
  • the Employee Pension Scheme,
  • a canteen system of additional benefits depending on the employee’s choice,
  • loans including housing and medical loans,
  • grants for post-graduate programmes and professional training,
  • payments from the Company Social Benefits Fund.


The GPW Group pursues a transparent employment policy. GPW’s recruitment policy focuses on attracting high-class specialists in all areas of the Company’s business. The success and reputation of the GPW Group depend not only on the quality of the services we provide but also on how we conduct our business. Our principles and values ensure that the GPW Group operates not only in compliance with the law but also with integrity and ethics.

GPW has defined clear rules for recruitment processes. The rules are set out in the “GPW Employee Selection Policy”.


Training is an important part of professional development and improvement of employees’ qualifications. Training which improves selected professional competences is delivered on a regular basis. GPW employees have the opportunity to develop their skills along individual development paths by participating in specialised training. GPW employees also participate in conferences, congresses and seminars as part of their professional qualification development.


Diversity and openness are at the heart of GPW’s business operations and underpin the Exchange’s recruitment and employment policy. As a socially responsible employer, the Exchange follows the principles of equal treatment and combats all forms of discrimination. GPW’s diversity policy creates a work environment where everyone feels respected and appreciated, develops their talents and predispositions, and achieves their potential while contributing to the success of the entire Exchange.

Guided by respect for a diverse and multicultural community, the Exchange attaches special importance to equal treatment and equal opportunities of employees in professional development and promotion regardless of gender, age, disability, health status, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion or lack of religious belief, political opinion, union membership, psychosexual orientation, gender identity, family status, lifestyle and any other circumstances which could give direct or indirect grounds for discrimination. The Exchange ensures that those principles are respected with regard to all employees irrespective of the form, scope and basis of employment or affiliation.


GPW’s activities are guided by the principles of equal treatment and prevention of all forms of mobbing and discrimination. By implementing the Anti-mobbing Policy, the Exchange strengthens the organisational culture based on the principle of respecting the dignity and other personal rights of employees, the principle of respect towards every employee, and good practice of responsible business as defined, among others, in the Best Practice for GPW Listed Companies 2021 and in the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.

An anti-mobbing policy in the form of a dedicated internal document has been in place at GPW since 2021.

The purpose of the Policy is to prevent mobbing at GPW and to establish and enforce clear rules of conduct for dealing with mobbing.

The Policy sets out, among others, the principles for confidential reporting of reasonably suspected mobbing. The Policy is designed to ensure that employees’ reports are handled confidentially and with due diligence. GPW considers any form of mobbing as highly reprehensible and condemnable and does not accept any form of mobbing. GPW does not tolerate any retaliation against persons reporting mobbing.


GPW’s priorities include concern for a healthy, safe and friendly working environment which fosters growth of the professional potential of all employees of the Exchange. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Policy adopted in 2014, the Company is committed to preventing occupational accidents, occupational diseases and near misses, continuously striving to improve occupational health and safety and fire protection and to enhance employees’ qualifications taking into account their role and involvement in activities to improve occupational health and safety.


Employee volunteering is one of the corporate social responsibility activities of the GPW Group. As part of voluntary work, the Group members are patrons of selected childcare centres and family orphanages. The GPW Group supports selected charity events on an annual basis.


The Warsaw Stock Exchange attaches great importance to education and the acquisition of knowledge about the capital market by young people. For many years, the Exchange has provided internships for university students majoring in various disciplines including Economics, Finance, Marketing. GPW offers the Go4Poland Programme for Polish students studying abroad.


The Trade Union of Exchange Employees was established under a resolution of the Founding Meeting of 6 October 2005 and registered in the National Court Register on 28 October 2005. The Trade Union of Exchange Employees (“the Union”) operates pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Trade Unions of 23 May 1991 and its Articles of Association. The activities of the Union are also governed by the provisions of other legal acts, in particular the Act of 26 June 1974 – the Labour Code; the Act of 23 May 1991 on Resolution of Collective Disputes; the Act of 13 March 2003 on Special Rules for Termination of Employment Relations with Employees for Reasons not Concerning Employees; the Act of 4 March 1994 on Company Social Benefits Fund. The provisions of internal regulations in force at GPW also apply to the activities of the Union to the extent that they concern the protection of employee rights and interests.

According to the law, the Trade Union represents the rights of all employees of the Exchange to the extent of collective rights and interests. In accordance with its Articles of Association, the Trade Union represents its members vis-à-vis the employer to the extent of individual rights and interests. In particular, the objective of the Trade Union is to protect the rights and interests of employees and to participate in creating favourable working, remuneration and leisure conditions for the Exchange employees.

As at 31 December 2019, the Trade Union of Exchange Employees had 148 members, including 125 employees (representing more than 54% of the total number of Exchange employees) and 23 retired former employees.

As at 31 December 2020, the Trade Union of Exchange Employees had 149 members, including 126 employees (representing more than 48% of the total number of Exchange employees) and 23 retired former employees.

As at 31 December 2021, the Trade Union of Exchange Employees had 172 members, including 149 employees (representing more than 53% of the total number of Exchange employees) and 23 retired former employees.

Strategic ambitions in social field:

  • ensure high employee engagement (2025 score above the base year 2022),
  • ensure high/growing employee satisfaction and engagement,
  • ensure that GPW Group is seen as an attractive workplace for employees with competencies key to GPW,
  • develop GPW Group and GPW Foundation educational initiatives addressed to various stakeholders, in particular investors and the young generation.